Day in the Life of a Temp Worker

Summer 2024 -- Follow along with our Day in the Life of a Temp Worker series, where temp workers share their stories and expose the reality of what it means to be a temp worker. GLOW plays a leading role in exposing the racist legacy and ongoing harm temporary staffing poses to workers across industries and geographies, and we believe strongly in the powerful role of worker storytelling in this fight for temp workers' rights.

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Lorraine Sandsbatch2
GLOW Selected for New Profit’s Second Economic Mobility Cohort

January 2024 - GLOW is one of 16 innovative organizations selected for New Profit's Economic Mobility Cohort. New Profit, a venture philanthropy organization that backs social entrepreneurs who are advancing equity and opportunity in America, selected GLOW's Sheila Maddali as one of this year's visionary leaders. Through the Economic Mobility cohort, New Profit will work with GLOW to increase the impact, scale, and sustainability of our work. Read more about GLOW's selection for the cohort and the other innovative organizations involved here.

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Transition Statement: NLAN to GLOW

JANUARY 2024 — Since NLAN formed in 2019, we’ve provided legal support to worker centers and their members — supporting over 30 organizing campaigns. In the last few years, we’ve innovated, learned and reflected on repeat. As we transition from being fiscally sponsored by NELP to having our own nonprofit status, we are proud to announce that we have decided to change our name to GLOW – Grassroots Law & Organizing for Workers. Learn more!

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NLAN Impact Report

December 2023 — Since NLAN’s founding in 2019, we have partnered with dozens of membership-based organizations, worked with hundreds of organizers and lawyers, and engaged thousands of workers in low-wage industries. Through our work, we have won policy changes that impact hundreds of thousands of workers and put millions of dollars back into the hands of workers, their communities, and their organizations. Check out our Impact Report to learn more about what we’ve accomplished.

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2
Untangling Discrimination: How Temporary Staffing Agencies Rely on a Racist Business Model to Discriminate Against Black and Female Workers in Houston & Nashville

DECEMBER 12, 2023National Legal Advocacy Network and our partners at Unemployed Workers United and Action Center for Race and the Economy just released a new report, Untangling Discrimination: How Temporary Staffing Agencies Rely on a Racist Business Model to Discriminate Against Black & Female Workers in Houston and Nashville. This report exposes the racist and misogynist underpinnings of America’s temporary staffing industry, its ongoing impact on race and gender equity in America’s workplaces, and the role public money and private equity firms play in proliferating the temporary staffing business model. Utilizing rigorous match-paired testing conducted by the Equal Rights Center, our report highlights race and gender-based hiring discrimination and occupational segregation between Black and Latinx workers in Houston, TX and Nashville, TN.  

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2
Victory: Illinois Temp Worker Fairness & Safety Act Signed Into Law

AUGUST 4, 2023 — The Illinois Temp Worker Fairness & Safety Act (TWFSA), signed into law in August 2023, raises the bar for temp worker protections across the country. Temp workers have known what they deserve for their labor for years, and it's about time the law recognizes that - key provisions of Illinois’ TWFSA include equal pay for equal work, improved training & safety standards and stronger enforcement tools to hold staffing agencies accountable when they violate the law. NLAN was proud to support the passage of this law alongside leaders at Chicago Workers Collaborative and Temp Worker Justice.

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Ensuring Equal Employment Opportunity: The Upcoming Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decisions and the Workplace

JUNE 16, 2023 — The Supreme Court will soon issue a ruling that will consider the lawfulness of affirmative action in college admissions decisions. Join us on Friday, June 16th at 1:00pm EDT for a webinar where panelists, including NLAN Executive Director Sheila Maddali, will discuss the limited application of these cases to employer practices, including DEIA measures, under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits workplace discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, and other protected categories. Panelists will also discuss the lawfulness and importance of employer initiatives to create opportunities and foster workplaces free from discrimination, particularly for Black workers and other workers who continue to face significant barriers in accessing good jobs. RSVP today!

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Training: Setting Up Deferred Action Clinics

APRIL 28, 2023 — Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new Deferred Action process for non-citizen workers who experience or witness a labor violation.  Because of this, many workers are now potentially able to apply for labor-based Deferred Action. NLAN & National Immigration Law Center (NILC) brought together a group of experts for a training on both the Deferred Action process and clinic models that have been successful in assisting workers to apply. If you’re interested in learning more about this training, reach out to us at

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NLAN and 43 Partners Unite to Oppose the Work Opportunity Tax Credit

APRIL 24, 2023 — NLAN and 43 partners united to oppose corporate tax credits that subsidize precarious, poverty-wage employment. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is, in its current form, a driver of temp work and racial inequality. It’s time to overhaul the WOTC so that public money no longer props up large corporations like Amazon that bust unions, steal wages, injure workers, and provide underpaid, precarious jobs. Read our full comment submitted to the Department of Labor here.

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Venceremos v. Tyson: GLOW Supports Workers in Filing ULP Charges

April 2023 -- GLOW is supporting Tyson workers organizing in Arkansas for a fair tenure package as the plant closes and for Tyson to take accountability for the labor violations the workers have experienced. The workers are being supported by Venceremos, a worker center advocating for poultry workers in Arkansas, led by Magaly Licolli. GLOW assisted the workers in filing Unfair Labor Practice charges against Tyson and will continue to fight alongside the workers and Venceremos on this matter.

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The Nature of Temp Staffing

APRIL 3, 2023 — There is a role for temporary staffing in our economy – for short term fluctuation in the need for labor, the temporary replacement of direct hire workers on leave or as a pathway to permanent employment. But the sad reality is that many workers in the staffing industry end up working as “perma-temps” and often experience discriminatory treatment while seeking and performing work. Read more about projects NLAN is working on with Workrise, Equal Rights Center and Unemployed Workers United to uncover race and gender discrimination in temp staffing & help shape local policy impacting temp workers & their families.

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State bill seeks more protection, equity for temp workers

JANUARY 23, 2023 — Workers’ rights advocates in Illinois gathered to launch the campaign for the IL Temp Worker Fairness and Safety Act, a bill that would increase protections and rights for temp workers across the state, including equal pay for equal work, equal training on the job, stronger enforcement tools so that workers can enforce their legal rights & more. National Legal Advocacy Network is proud to support this bill and fight for workers being exploited by the temporary staffing industry.

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ArticleLorraine Sandsbatch2
NLAN Executive Director Sheila Maddali Selected as 2022 Echoing Green Fellow

NLAN’s Executive Director Sheila Maddali has been selected as a 2022 Echoing Green Fellow for the innovative law & organizing work she leads at NLAN. She is one of 20 leaders selected for their bold ideas for and devotion to advancing justice in their communities. Check out the rest of the amazing fellows and the work they're doing to disrupt injustice and build power here.

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Expanding Social Justice: Fee-Sharing Between Nonprofits and the Private Bar

2021 — This issue brief outlines the necessity for fee-sharing arrangements for nonprofit organizations, how fee-sharing arrangements work & comply with rules of professional conduct and the advantages of fee-sharing arrangements for nonprofit organizations and attorneys. It was prepared for NLAN by Tram Ha and BK Katzmann, law students in the Social Justice Lawyering Clinic at Temple University Beasley School of Law.

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2

September 28, 2022 — This Friday marks the 46th Anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal Medicaid for abortions and effectively bars millions of poor and working-class people from accessing full reproductive health care.

We are partnering with #DayWithoutUs to expose the disproportionate impact abortion restrictions have on people who are BIPOC, immigrant, poor and/or work in low-wage industries.

In preparation for #daywithoutus, NLAN is hosting a Know Your Rights workshop that will cover workers' right to engage in the #DayWithoutUs and best practices. Tune in @ 7est at

#DayWithoutUs is a day of action on Friday, 9/30 to amplify the connection between reproductive justice & worker justice. Includes work stoppage & teach-ins throughout the day. More info at

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