Posts in Report
NLAN Impact Report

December 2023 — Since NLAN’s founding in 2019, we have partnered with dozens of membership-based organizations, worked with hundreds of organizers and lawyers, and engaged thousands of workers in low-wage industries. Through our work, we have won policy changes that impact hundreds of thousands of workers and put millions of dollars back into the hands of workers, their communities, and their organizations. Check out our Impact Report to learn more about what we’ve accomplished.

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2
Untangling Discrimination: How Temporary Staffing Agencies Rely on a Racist Business Model to Discriminate Against Black and Female Workers in Houston & Nashville

DECEMBER 12, 2023National Legal Advocacy Network and our partners at Unemployed Workers United and Action Center for Race and the Economy just released a new report, Untangling Discrimination: How Temporary Staffing Agencies Rely on a Racist Business Model to Discriminate Against Black & Female Workers in Houston and Nashville. This report exposes the racist and misogynist underpinnings of America’s temporary staffing industry, its ongoing impact on race and gender equity in America’s workplaces, and the role public money and private equity firms play in proliferating the temporary staffing business model. Utilizing rigorous match-paired testing conducted by the Equal Rights Center, our report highlights race and gender-based hiring discrimination and occupational segregation between Black and Latinx workers in Houston, TX and Nashville, TN.  

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2
Expanding Social Justice: Fee-Sharing Between Nonprofits and the Private Bar

2021 — This issue brief outlines the necessity for fee-sharing arrangements for nonprofit organizations, how fee-sharing arrangements work & comply with rules of professional conduct and the advantages of fee-sharing arrangements for nonprofit organizations and attorneys. It was prepared for NLAN by Tram Ha and BK Katzmann, law students in the Social Justice Lawyering Clinic at Temple University Beasley School of Law.

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ReportLorraine Sandsbatch2
Unequal Opportunity: Uncovering Discrimination in Hiring at Chipotle Mexican Grill

MAY 2022 — Read the report from Equal Rights Center’s matched paired testing conduced at Chipotle Mexican Grill, suggesting that hiring practices disproportionately deny management opportunities to qualified Black applicants. The testing project was done at the request of Fast Food Union, organizing with Local 32BJ Service Employees International Union. Read more on the Daily Beast & VICE.

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